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Why do Puppy Mills still existIn the United States, and most other countries, there are laws that prevent cruelty to animals. Given these laws, why do puppy mills still exist? Sadly, its’ a question of lack of enforcement, and an overburdeneded system.

In the United States, Congress passed the Animal Welfare act nearly 35 years ago to, in part, ensure that animal breeders gave their animals humane treatment.

The Animal Welfare Act requires that animals have basic prevention of disease, adequate ventilation and sanitation, ample food and water, adequate housing, and reasonable handling.

In 2006, USDA had only 96 inspectors nationwide, and these inspectors were seriously overburdened. The USDA’s inspectors are responsible for overseeing zoos, circuses, laboratories, animals transported on commercial airlines, and pet stores and puppy mills.

This means that the USDA simply does not have enough inspectors to adequately oversee puppy mills and enforce the Animal Welfare Act. Individual states do have their own anticruelty laws, but these are seldom enforced.

Backyard breeders are exempt from the Animal Welfare Act! 
Retail pet stores that sell animals directly to the pubic are exempt from the handling and minimum humane care requirements of the Animal Welfare Act.

The USDA considers a person who sells dogs from his or her own premises, directly to the public, as a retail pet store that is exempt from the Animal Welfare Act.

This means that dogs are not protected by the Animal Welfare Act if an unscrupulous breeder sells directly to the public! This exemption is just one more excellent reason to be especially careful when choosing a breeder.

Why do Puppy Mills Still Exist?
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One thought on “Why do Puppy Mills Still Exist?

  • February 2, 2015 at 8:08 am

    Puppies should not come from puppy mills

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