Genetic Blood and Lymphatic Disorders in Mixed Breed Dogs

Genetic Blood and Lymphatic Disorders in Mixed Breed Dogs

Genetic disorders, including disorders of the blood and lymphatic system, in dogs are well linked to specific breeds. If your dog is a purebred, it is relatively easy for your vet to determine if the dog is at risk of a specific genetic disorder.

In the past, owners of mixed breed dogs had had a harder time determining if their dog was at risk for an inherited genetic disorder. That’s changed now that mixed breed Dog DNA tests have come on the market. These tests can help you determine if your dog has a parent or grandparent that was a purebred. Understanding the purebred makeup of your mixed breed dog can help your vet determine if your dog is at risk of inheritied genetic disorders.

Genetic Eye Disorders in Mixed Breed Dogs

Genetic Eye Disorders in Mixed Breed Dogs

nherited eye disorders are common in many purebreds. Some disorders can be predicted with genetic testing, but others can only be diagnosed with health testing, which will tell you if the dog has the disorder at a specific point in time.

Knowing if your dog is at risk for genetic eye disorders is relatively easy for purebreds, since some diseases are well known to exist within certain breeds. However, it’s much harder to determine if a mixed breed dog is at risk of a genetic eye disorder, since most owners don’t know the exact breeds that make up their mixed breed dog.

Genetic Endocrine, Immune and Respiratory Genetic Disorders in Mixed Breed Dogs

Cute Pug Genetic Endocrine Disorders mixed breed dogs

Today, vets know with a great deal of certainty if a purebred dog is at risk of developing a genetic disorder. However, determining the risk to a mixed breed is much more difficult. Most of the time, owners of mixed breed dogs don’t know with any certainty if their dog has purebred parents or grandparents.

Mixed breed Dog DNA tests have changed all that. These tests can tell owners and their vets if a mixed breed dog has a parent or grandparent that was a purebred. By knowing a dog’s purebred ancestry, a vet can then help determine if the dog is at risk of developing genetic disorders.

Genetic Skin, Urinary and Reproductive Disorders in Mixed Breed Dogs

Cute Dog Paws Up Genetic Skin Urinary and Reproductive Disorders Mixed Breed Dogs

Veterinarians today are armed with a great deal of knowledge about the genetic risks of disease for purebred dogs. Unfortunately, the risk of developing a genetic disorder for mixed breed dogs is much more difficult to determine. To know a dog’s risk of getting a genetic disorder, a vet must know the breeds of any of the dog’s purebred ancestors. In the past, this was almost impossible to determine.

Mixed breed Dog DNA tests now offer a relatively quick, at home method of determining if a mixed breed dog has a purebred parent of grandparent. Once this information is known, a vet can determine if a mixed breed is at risk of specific genetic disorders.